Lillian van Wesemael started working in 2000 as mediator and coach in a wide variety of disputes both on a domestic as an international level , e.g. employment disputes, general commercial and governmental issues and family disputes. Lillian has built up a reputation of successful dispute resolution working as a mediator both in two party as in multi party mediations and in complex mediations. She is used to work in collaboration with other experts involved in the dispute, be it lawyers, financial experts or child experts.
She is NMI (Netherlands Mediation Institute) registered and accredited mediator for Court annexed mediation. The NMI is since 2014 called the MfN (Mediators Federatie Nederland). Since 2001 she forms part of the training and mediation network The Lime Tree, since 2009 she works in Court annexed cross border mediations resolving issues on parenting plans between parents living in different countries. She is also a member of the Netherlands Mediator Association, since 2010 she forms part of the IACP, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the MFAM ( Dutch Family Mediators Association). Lillian is furthermore trained nationally and internationally to undertake mediation in Parental Child abduction cases.
She has a large experience working with people of different cultural backgrounds. She has worked in Latin America and in Africa with different international, national and local organizations. She was educated as a human geographer specialized in developing countries and worked for some years as a teacher on methodology of investigation at the Department of Cultural Anthropology of the Vrije Univeristeit Amsterdam. There after she worked for a Dutch based international network in ensuring women’s role in development.
She has a high potential to unite people and different governmental and non-governmental organizations, eg. in 1993 she was chosen as a represent of the non-governmental organization in the Dutch Delegation to the UN conference on Human Rights. She was chair of the regional mediators Haaglanden form 2002 - 2003. Since then she is member of different working groups on mediation.
Besides her mediation and coaching activities, she is also available to share her profession and experience as a speaker or trainer especially on elaborating Parenting Plan and on talking to children in mediation (workshops in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany).
She presides several intervision groups end gives supervision to mediators.